EBV Librarian: Cynthia (Cindy) Slater
EBV Librarian: Edward Junhao Lim
Welcome to your EBV Info Portal! This website consists of two different types of business research resources: 1) valuable (and usually high-priced) databases which are being donated for those currently in the EBV program and 2) websites available to anyone online which your EBV librarians have selected for inclusion in this resource.
You will find information about your EBV librarians on this page as well so feel free to contact any of us should you need help.
In addition to creating this Info Portal, EBV librarians have also provided the following services at some of the EBV universities:
For more information on how librarians have supported EBV participants, check out the article "Librarians and the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans: Helping Disabled Veterans With Business Research."